I am going to review coffee makers like Black and Decker, Bunn,Delonghi, and many others. I will suggest coffee flavors that I like.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Making A Great Cup Of Coffee
Quality coffee can only come from a quality coffee bean that is properly roasted. The process of roasting a coffee bean is complex and can result in a given bean tasting very different depending on how it is roasted. If you like a strong intense flavor, choose a dark roast (ex: French Roast). If you like to a light flavor, less intense, choose a lighter roast.
Pre-ground coffee will lose its flavor and quality within a short period of time. Grinding before you brew will assure you that no flavor is lost due to time.
Always use cold filtered water when brewing your coffee. The water you use represents 98% of your cup of coffee. Filtering the water will remove impurities that could affect the taste. Poor quality water can come from a variety of sources. Filtering your water will help make good coffee. Basic rule is the better the water, the better the coffee.
Skip the paper filters and go for the gold. Yes, these are 23k Gold plated stainless steel filters. Paper filters will influence the flavor of the coffee in a negative manner. The Gold plated filters influence the flavor by allowing natural oils to filter into your brew, adding a level of flavor and aroma you wont find with paper coffee filters. Another plus is that these filters can be reused over and over, and will last a very long time. Not only will your coffee be better, but you will be helping the environment by saving on waste.
Cut down on the sugar, cream, and other flavor add-ins to really enjoy the true essence of the brew. If we disguise the coffee to much; we will never know the true taste.
Part of what makes a great cup of coffee is how and when we enjoy it. We all have our favorite time and rituals. For me, nothing beats enjoying a great cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and reading the paper.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Coffee Facts
Sunday, September 19, 2010
How to clean a Coffee Maker

How to Clean a Coffee Maker
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can EditDrip filter coffee makers need to be cleaned monthly to remove hard water deposits (scale), leftover coffee oils that become rancid, and other impurities. Washing the pot just isn't going to cut it: what about the internal components? Follow these steps to clean your coffee maker through and through and you'll taste the difference.
- Make a mixture of 1 part white vinegar to 2 parts water-- enough to fill the pot. For a stronger solution (which might be necessary if this is the first time you've cleaned your coffee maker since you got it three years ago) make a mixture that is half vinegar and half water instead.Here are some alternative mixtures:
- a pot's worth of water and two denture tablets. Remember to dissolve the tablets in a separate container of water and not the coffee maker water reservoir. Undissolved tablets can make the rinsing process lengthy. [1]
- dissolve 1 oz of citric acid in 4 cups of hot water, then add 4 cups of cold water to the mixture.[2]
- store-bought coffee maker cleaners
- straight bleach(for the glass carafe ONLY)will instantly dissolve baked-on coffee. [NEVER mix bleach and vinegar or any acid; the fumes are poisonous]
- DO NOT USE 1 part baking soda to 4 parts of warm water - it can clog and ruin your coffee maker!
- a pot's worth of water and two denture tablets. Remember to dissolve the tablets in a separate container of water and not the coffee maker water reservoir. Undissolved tablets can make the rinsing process lengthy. [1]
- Put a filter in your coffee maker, as usual.
- Pour the mixture into the coffee maker where you would normally add water.
- Turn the coffee maker on and let the mixture run completely through.
- Discard the filter and mixture.
- Let the coffee maker sit and cool for 15 minutes while it's off.
- Rinse the coffee pot.
- Repeat all of the above twice, but this time with plain cold water. This will make sure all of the vinegar and water solution is completely gone. If short on time, smell the coffee pot and maker after the first rinse. If there is no smell of vinegar left, you can skip the second rinse.
- Mr. Clean Magic Rub Eraser (not the bathroom one) is a handy item to use to clean coffee residue off the inside of a glass coffee carafe.
- Does your pot have hard to reach areas? Use a wooden chopstick with a paper towel to get in there.
- You can put ice cubes and a little water(enough so you can swirl it around) in pot and swirl them around, for harder stains put some table salt in pot and swirl it around for a few minutes and then rinse.
- Put a glass marble in the water chamber to attract mineral deposits from hard water. Wash it once a week. [3]
- For tough stains, scrub the pot using a paper towel or clean (not soapy) dish towel. Rinse thoroughly.
- To clean just the pot, do what many restaurants do. Put about two cups of ice, 1/4 cup of rock or table salt, and 1/4 cup of lemon juice (bottled or fresh is fine) and swirl around the pot. Measurements are not that important, just guesstimate. Be sure that the pot is cold before you try this, or you may break the glass pot.
- Clean a brand new coffee pot prior to using it for the first time.
- Never use the coffee pot to pour water into the reservoir. This will transfer oils and impurities from the pot, and eventually give the coffee a nasty taste. Instead, use a pitcher that is reserved for water only.
- Never wash the coffee pot with soap. This will bind with the oils deposited by the coffee and will leave a taste behind. Do not wash in the dishwasher for the same reason.
- Some coffee pots are made of Pyrex, which CAN also shatter like glass, there have been cases where people have been hurt badly this way. Never move glass or Pyrex directly from heat to cold.
Related wikiHows
- How to Descale a Magimix Coffee Maker
- How to Clean a Blackened or Burnt Coffee Pot
- How to Brew Coffee in a French Press Coffeemaker
- How to Separate Coffee Filters
Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/415520 /clean_a_dirty_coffee_maker_with_denture.html
- ↑ http://searchwarp.com/swa270685.htm
- ↑ http://searchwarp.com/swa71208.htm
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Clean a Coffee Maker. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Brewing Coffee
Brewing coffee is more than just putting coffee and water in a coffee maker like Mr. Coffee and hoping that you will have a good taste.
What do you already know about coffee, maker, grinders, brewing? Maybe you will learn something new.
Here are some pointers about coffee makers, grinders,and brewing coffee that you can put into action. The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes.
Coffee has five primary ways of being brewed. Each method has brewing variables - introduction of water, brewing temperature, and separating the brewed liquor from the coffee grounds.
These five methods are called Turkish brewing, concentrate brewing, percolating, drip brewing, and French Press brewing.
Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there's more to coffee than just your ordinary coffee maker.
"Turkish" or "Greek" Coffee
Turkish coffee or kahve is the traditional name is made in small containers directly on the flame with water and finely ground kahve comes to a boil.
Often times it is brewed up with sugar already introduced. In some traditions they will pour off a little into each cup and then bring it to a second boil, pouring the rest off into each cup insuring an even distribution of grounds.
In some regions they serve the kahve with added spice which is usually cardamom. The coffee is not filtered from the liquor which leaves a thick pungent and muddy brew.
The mud settles to the bottom of the tiny demitasse cups the coffee is served in. In many countries they read the coffee mud after you have drank your coffee and tell you your future.
Concentrate Brewing
Concentrate brewing is very popular in Latin America and other parts of the world. It is beginning to make a come back in the U.S.. Concentrate brewing takes large amounts of coffee that is brewed with small amounts of water to brew a concentrate.
To make a cup of coffee you mix some of the concentrate with hot water.
The concentrate is brewed either hot or cold. When it is brewed cold you must let the coffee sit for at least a day.
This method creates a mild light-bodied coffee with little aroma and a little acidity with a muted flavor.
This procedure involves a continuous brewing of the coffee grounds using boiling water which then turns to boiling coffee liquor brewing over the grounds. This method is practical but is an insult to the coffee bean.
Brewing with boiling water is bad enough, then boiling the liquor is asking for a thin, bitter and tarry coffee.
Though this produces an awful cup of coffee many people still prefer percolation. If its for you then more power to you!
Auto drip
This is the most popular way to brew coffee in the U.S.A. Pouring hot water over grounds in a filter and letting
the brew drip out the bottom, simple. Drip brewing can produce an excellent cup of coffee if the proper
equipment is used. One of the biggest issues with auto drip machines is they don't brew at the right temperature.
Bunn is one of the few companies which calibrate their machines to the proper temperature.
If you have a good auto drip brewing machine then the next hurdle to tackle is the filter. Paper filters can deposit a flavor in the coffee and also do not allow a lot of the coffee oils and organic compounds through.
A gold-plated reusable filter is the perfect option for drip brewing. It will not deposit a taste in the coffee and doesn't trap as much of the coffee's essence as paper filters do.
French Press
or Press Pot
French Press brewing gives you complete control. It is more labor intensive than auto drip the brewing
variables can be better controlled. Coarsely ground coffee is placed in a glass carafe. The hot water is then poured over the grounds.
When the brewing is complete the top is placed on and a plunger that consists of a metal mesh plate is pressed down pushing the grounds to the bottom. The coffee liquor is on top ready to be poured off.
The mesh filter allows the oils and fine coffee particles through without a problem. Also because a coarser grind is required a longer brewing time is required.
A general rule of thumb is four minutes for a French press. This direct contact of the grounds to water allows a more complete, controllable, and even extraction.
Even with the coarse grind though a coarse grind will still produce some fine particles. A cup of French-pressed coffee
will be fuller, more body, and more flavor. It will also have sediment on the bottom of the cup.
You can't predict when knowing something extra about coffee, brewing and coffee makers will come in handy.
Monday, April 12, 2010
How to Make Cafe (Coffee) Parfait

How to Make Cafe (Coffee) Parfait
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can EditCoffee grounds and milk are cooked gently to make this coffee flavored frozen dessert known as a parfait. Serve with lots of sweetened whipped cream and you will have a gourmet summer dessert.
- 1/4 cup ground coffee
- 1 cup milk
- 1 cup sugar
- 3 cups thin cream or half and half
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup heavy cream
- Cook gently the coffee and milk for about 20 minutes. The recipe says to scald them. Take care not to scorch the milk and keep the mixture just below a boil.
- Strain the milk mixture and add the sugar, then thin cream (half and half).
- Stir until the sugar dissolves.
- Beat the eggs.
- Add them to the warm milk mixture.
- Cook egg mixture until they have thickened.
- Cool.
- Whip the cream.
- Fold into the custard mixture.
- Freeze.
- Serve with sweetened whipped cream.
- Serves 6.
Things You'll Need
- Measuring cups
- Saucepan
- Mixing bowls
Related wikiHows
- How to Make Strawberry Angel Parfait
- How to Make a Strawberry Parfait
- How to Make Ice Cream
- How to Make Butterscotch Parfait
Sources and Citations
- The Project Gutenberg EBook of Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 4 by Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make Cafe (Coffee) Parfait. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
What To Do With An Espresso Machine
By Rudy Silva
Espresso Machines particularly the Gaggia espresso maker were founded by Achille Gaggia, an Italian who originated and applied for patent for the first recent steamless espresso machine to be used purely in his coffee bar. In 1948, Gaggia industrial espresso machines first became available to the market for business use. It was in 1977 that Italian espresso machines became available also for residential use.
In Italy and other parts of Europe and US America, family espresso machines bring amuse to the coffee addicts’ right at the comfort of their households. In fact, Gaggia machines are among the world’s upper class espresso coffee makers.
Espresso Machines made by Gaggia are aimed to accomplish the highest quality of brew, and for this reason one Gaggia espresso maker can cost out up to $200. The coffee machines used in many industrial coffee shops were innovated by Gaggia Machines from automatic espresso coffee machine to cappuccino machines.
To enjoy a satisfying coffee from Gaggia espresso maker is easy. The things needed are Gaggia coffee machine with its measuring spoon, coffee grounds and coffee cup. The first step is to switch on the coffee maker to pre-heat it for 6 minutes. Add a spoonful of coffee grounds into the coffee filter using the measuring spoon fitted by Gaggia Espresso Machines to make a cup of coffee. Re-insert the coffee filter into its holder before pressing the start button.
The next thing to do is to set the cup or carafe under the coffee machine’s spout. To make the appropriate brew of coffee that is so famous of gaggia espresso maker, tamp the coffee with 30 pounds of pressure. Coffee experts open that to have the accurate espresso, factors such as water, quality of coffee as well as heat and temperature take a role.
Espresso machines are a medium that do quality coffee according to the ability of the user, although it can be said that the main functions of espresso machines are the same. First, the coffee maker uses the water and heats it up until it reaches the appropriate level, after which, the machine grant the hot water to pass through the ground coffee to bring about the espresso.
The remaining hot water is given compulsion and heat to pay hot steam that make the soapsuddy effect of milk in cappuccino and latte beverages. The famous commercial espresso machines that Gaggia processed for coffee bars anywhere are fully-automatic coffee machines—whether cappuccino machines or gaggia espresso maker.
This is because it bear convenience in a span of minutes without sacrificing the quality of their coffee. In coffee bars that are famous and busy, this type of coffee machine is recommended and used.
To give a preview on how the automatic espresso machine works especially, this article gives the key data on a cup of coffee is made before it is delivered to its customer. The first blow is to have the coffee grounded. A skilled barista can do the effort. Next is to insert the portafilter before pushing the button and wait. The coffee machines have their own settings to do the work for decaffeinated and regular coffee, which are both payd in seconds.
Are you looking for some new coffee taste to drink in the morning? Checkout the different coffees you start your morning with. You don’t have to go to the coffee shop any more. You don't have to go far to find a stack of coffee cans from which to make coffee, so go to Tetsubin teapots for a view of coffees. At http://www.koffeeklatsch.com get a list of different coffee machines that will make your day.
Article Source: http://www.free-articles-zone.com
How to Make a Good Cup of Coffee

How to Make a Good Pot of Coffee
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can EditThese are tips for making a superior pot of coffee using a standard drip coffee maker (presuming you already know the basics). Try these suggestions at home or at work. If you're on the go, however, you may want to read How to Make Good Hotel Room Coffee instead. Remember, that your standard drip coffee maker pot really only makes about 6 cups (coffee mugs) of coffee. The design is set up for tea cups which only hold about 5 or 6 ounces. So keep that in mind when measuring coffee.
- Clean the coffee maker at least once a month. A thorough cleaning will remove hard water deposits (scale), leftover coffee oils that become rancid, and other impurities (which can affect the flavor of the coffee) from the internal components. All you do is run a mixture of water and vinegar (or denture tablets, or baking soda) through the coffee maker, then run just water for a few cycles. The whole procedure is outlined in detail in How to Clean a Coffee Maker. For the pot itself, check out How to Clean a Blackened or Burnt Coffee Pot.
- Make coffee from the bean. Any coffee connoisseur will tell you that fresher is better. The longer that coffee beans sit around after roasting, the more the flavor deteriorates, so buy freshly roasted coffee from a local roaster. Or better yet, learn How to Roast Your Own Coffee. You can even Roast Coffee in a Popcorn Popper! Green beans are stable for over a year (if stored in a cool, dry place) and you can roast a few days' worth at a time. When it comes to grinding, you can buy a grinder specifically designed for coffee, have them ground when you buy them (presuming you're not roasting them yourself) or consult How to Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder. No matter how you do it, use the coffee as soon as possible after it's ground.
- The ground coffee should not look like coffee colored baby powder, but rather like poppy seeds.
- Using a blade grinder can make a lot of very fine powder in even a coarse grind that can clog the filter and cause grounds to overflow into the pot.
- The ground coffee should not look like coffee colored baby powder, but rather like poppy seeds.
- Pay attention to water temperature and quality. The best coffee is achieved when the water is between 190-200 F when it hits the coffee grounds. Many automatic drip coffeemakers cannot heat the water to that temperature when it starts out cold. If your coffee maker produces coffee with bitter or weak flavour, try adding room temperature or hot water. On the other hand, if you have a coffee maker that's known to make burnt-tasting coffee because the water is too hot for infusion, wet the coffee grounds first with 1/4 cup of the cold water. This temporarily prevents the grounds from exposure to too hot temperatures. It is best to use filtered or bottled water. Some people prefer using distilled or deionized water, which contains no minerals at all.
This video provides some basic tips on making better coffee, with a focus on the beans.Tips
- Many electric coffee pots do not heat coffee to an adequate and consistent temperature. Make sure to do some research before buying a coffee maker. Do not assume that the most expensive coffee maker at the store is the best.
- A large (10-cup) capacity coffeemaker will often make a poor-quality brew for smaller amounts. If you usually only make one cup, buy a smaller coffeemaker (4-cup, for instance).
- Be careful not to grind the beans too fine or they will clog the filter and back up the coffee machine.
- Do not let the brewed coffee sit for too long. Coffee becomes increasingly bitter the longer you let it sit. Half an hour is pretty much the longest you should let it go without drinking it. Additionally, coffee maintains freshness better in an insulated carafe than a glass carafe on a warming plate.
- A SMALL pinch of salt is said to remove the bitterness of coffee, especially that which has sat for a long time & been reheated.
Related wikiHows
- How to Make Good Hotel Room Coffee
- How to Clean a Coffee Pot
- How to Make Coffee Using a Cloth Bag Filter
- How to Use a French Press or Cafetiere
- How to Clean an Electric Coffee Mill Thoroughly
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make a Good Pot of Coffee. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
Single Cup Coffee Maker Reviews
There are many flavors of coffee - French vanilla, Blueberry Crumble, and Bavarian Chocolate. Each cup is so aromatic and satisfying. Coffee lovers are always searching for the perfect cup of brew and with these single cup coffee maker reviews, that perfect cup of coffee can become a reality.
Instead of waiting for an entire pot of coffee to brew, these machines can bring you delicious coffee in a matter of minutes. Because the device is so compact, it’s a great size to take along with you when you travel or you can take the machine work so that you can have a cup during the day while you’re at work.
This coffee maker is meant to save you time by presenting you with a piping hot pick me up cup of coffee, whether you have an hour to enjoy it or only a few minutes. When time is short, you don’t have to hunt for a cup to transfer the coffee. All you do is grab the ready made cup and you’re out the door.
Because the cup is made of stainless steel, the coffee from your maker keeps your coffee hot so that you don’t have to rush to finish it off before you reach the office. If you’ll check out the reviews for a single cup coffee maker, you’ll see that you won’t have to deal with any more paper filters that won’t come apart or that will fold easily in the basket allowing coffee grounds to end up in your cup. The mesh filter keeps the grounds where they belong so you get to enjoy great coffee whenever you’d like a cup.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Before You Purchase A Home Espresso Machine
The first think you should know before choosing a home espresso machine is that there are several different varieties of machines. Each different type of machine will come with a different price tag and different capabilities. Although the top of the line machine may be nice, it may not necessarily meet your needs. Instead of buying an espresso machine simply because it is deemed the “best,” buy a machine that you can (and will) use on a regular basis. The different types of home espresso machines are:
Pump Espresso
Piston Espresso
Steam Espresso
Moka Pots
Any one of these different types of home espresso machines will allow you to make a delicious cup of espresso. Your choice should be based upon needs, usability, overall size of the machine, and of course the price. A high end espresso machine can run up a bill in the thousands of dollars.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Single Cup Coffee Brewers
There are single cup coffee brewers made by Brookstone that can brew a hot cup of coffee for you in less time than it takes for you to open the front door and reach for the morning newspaper.
In two minutes, you can either sit down with your cup of java or take it on the go in the specialty cup designed to keep your coffee fresh and hot longer than ordinary to go cups. You won’t have to figure out the right amount of coffee to put into the reusable filter because you’ll get a coffee scoop for precise measures every time. That’s not to say that if you don’t like your coffee a little stronger, you can’t adjust the amount of coffee you put into it.
One of the best things about this handy single up coffee machine is that with a reusable filter, you’re helping to do your part to save the earth’s natural resources by cutting out paper filters. If you’ve always used paper filters, then you’re in for a treat once you go without them.
Another great part of having single cup coffee brewers is that they don’t hog a lot of counter space and if you hate counter clutter as much as most people do, this gadget is the perfect fit. When you get this type of coffee maker, the savings add up quickly. You won’t have to pay for paper filters any more, plus, there’s no glass that can accidentally break in case it’s dropped or knocked down by a child in your home.
Senseo SL7810/65 Single-Serve Gourmet Coffee Machine
Whenever coffee is mentioned, the Senseo SL7810/65 Single-Serve Gourmet Coffee Machine comes to mind. One of the things most coffee connoisseurs will notice right away about this single cup serve machine that’s different is the shape of it. It’s made in a slightly curved shape and can brew a single cup of coffee in lighting fast speed. How about under 60 seconds for a single cup?
The machine also has the unique ability to create a frothy coffee, so if you own an espresso machine and think no other machine can compete with that one, give this one a try and you’ll see that it can hold its own even against the best espresso machines.
How does it do that? The Senseo has a special chamber that gives a layer of froth to the coffee, almost like a cup of espresso, but not quite. It comes with (not one but) two pod holders for more selective brewing. And if you and your housemate prefer different flavors, you won’t have to worry that their flavor will bleed into your cup of coffee, because it doesn’t do that.
Like many other top of the line brands of single brew coffee makers, this machine also uses the coffee pods in order to bring users the best and freshest taste available for every cup. The machine is quiet as it operates, has a fast heating time and lasts longer than average coffee machines.
Available in a variety of colors, the Senseo SL7810/65 Single-Serve Gourmet Coffee Machine allows users to customize features to get the kind of coffee brewed the way they like it every time.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Keurig B40 Elite Gourmet Single Cup Home Brewing System
If you’re one of the millions of coffee lovers in the world, you don’t have to head down to the pricey gourmet coffee shop to get a cup brewed just the way you like it. Instead, you can get a Keurig B40 Elite Gourmet Single Cup Home Brewing System and have your coffee your way right in your own kitchen.
This machine is one of the best on the market in several areas. It beats out higher priced machines in cost, yet it still gives consumers the same delicious gourmet coffee, plus a wide variety of specialty coffees. The appearance of the machine is sleek and modern, allowing it to fit in with any décor you may have for your kitchen.
Having this single cup coffee machine is like having your own coffee shop where you can taste many different kinds of coffee flavors. Using technology designed specifically for the Keurig, this machine uses what’s called K-cups.
These cups contain different varieties of coffee or tea or hot chocolate. When you put the K-cup inside the machine to brew it, the machine pokes a hole into the K-cup and gives users the precise amount of beverage for them to enjoy.
The Keurig B40 Elite Gourmet Single Cup Home Brewing System has become synonymous with the words gourmet brewing and is one of the most purchased systems on the market. Once you taste a cup of coffee brewed by the system, you’ll understand why it’s one of the top selling machines.
Gourmet Single Cup Coffee Selections
There are many gourmet single cup coffee selections for you to have at your home. But whichever one you go with, all are meant to give you coffee like you’ve never experienced it before - rich and full of taste. If you’ve always used the regular drip full carafe coffee makers and are new to single cup coffee makers, then there are some tips you should follow since the machines are as different in function and ability as a boat is from a car.
You’ll need to understand what kind of filter the gourmet single cup coffee machine uses to give the water the best taste. Some of the best machines will use a charcoal filter system. The reason the filter is important is because it works to clean the water of any impurities that might affect the taste of the water and in the end, your cup of gourmet coffee. Check to make sure the temperature of the machine will keep the coffee hot long after it leaves the unit.
When you’re checking out the gourmet single cup coffee selections, see if the machine offers users the option to make other beverages such as hot cocoa or iced tea. It’s great to have a multifaceted use for any technological gadget you spend money on. Finally, you’ll want to research the price of the coffee pods to see if you can use any gourmet coffee pod with your system of if you have to stick with what the manufacturer offers.
Breville BKC600XL Gourmet Single Cup Coffee Brewer
In any product on the market, there are always those that rise to the top. While they’re at the top, many imitators will come along and tout their features but they never quite measure up to the products that deliver coffee like it’s a work of art. The Breville BKC600XL Gourmet Single Cup Coffee Brewer is one such product. It delivers coffee with such a flair that it should be in a stunning frame. What is it that makes this machine shine at the top?
You’ll get a fresh cup of coffee with each use and thanks to the internal water filter, you’ll get only the best of the coffee flavor. The one of a kind shower
head gives users the exact measurement of water for every cup of coffee. Users can select from four different sizes of cups so you won’t be stuck with what’s considered a standard cup if your favorite mug happens to be over
sized. You won’t be stuck with one preset temperature because you’ll get to pick what temperature you want your brew to be set at.
The Breville BKC600XL Gourmet Single Cup Coffee Brewer has an LCD screen that’s programmable and users can put up to 60 ounces of water in the unit before needing to add more. If you have people over who like different types of coffee, you can even brew the coffee to each person’s preference right down to the grind. This is a product that puts the enjoyment of coffee at a level that its competitors just can’t beat.
Black and Decker Single Cup Coffee Makers
One of the models, the Black and Decker HCC 70 with chrome accents, looks great on your counter as it’s brewing your coffee in about a minute and comes with the automatic shut off feature for safety. This particular model doesn’t use coffee grounds - it uses the coffee pods. But most users say there’s not a difference in taste from grounds to coffee pods. This is one decision that’s personal among coffee users, so you may want to try both versions.
The DCM18 Brew ‘N Go is another one of the Black and Decker single cup coffee makers that delivers coffee with precision and style and a guarantee of great taste. It also has the automatic shut off feature and all the components except the base can be washed in the top rack of your dishwasher. The travel mug is larger than some of the cups you can find. Instead of the 12-14 ounce cups, you’ll get a full sized 15 ounce cup. This cup was made to sit easily in your vehicle’s cup holder.
Best Single Cup Coffee Systems
When you want one of the best single cup coffee systems for your home or place of employment, there are several aspects you should look at before you buy. First of all, is there a place for the machine? Even if these machines are compact and fit easily onto any counter space, you’ll want an area where both the cup and the machine can be out of reach so there are no accidental grabs from young hands.
Next consider how many cups you want at once. Even though the term single is used, many of these machines are capable of producing two smaller cups of coffee or one overly large one. Since most standard coffee cups only hold 8 ounces and the machines are capable of making almost twice that, you’ll get two cups per serving. If that’s important to you, just check the capacity first.
Finally, understand that not all of the machines will accept regular coffee grounds in a reusable filter. Some of the best single cup coffee systems mean you’ll have to buy pods in order to have your coffee. There isn’t a one way is best in the debate over a reusable filter versus the pods. With either one, you’re bound to have a great way to get your morning started. The best single cup coffee systems aren’t expensive to purchase. Buy one for your home that uses either pods or the reusable filter and an opposite one for your office. Give them both a try and see which one you prefer.